EDUTURISMA <p>EDUTURISMA Journal is a peer-reviewed journal published by Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Asa Indonesia Jakarta. EDUTURISMA Journal provides a scientific forum for researchers to publish research manuscripts aligned with the journal's scopes in social sciences. The journal anchors both research and review articles with the current issues of social sciences. Published articles are original works that have not been published in other journals. The journal publishes binually, in May&nbsp;and&nbsp;November.</p> en-US (Lenny Yusrini) Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 INOVASI PRODUK BOLU PISANG DENGAN SUBSTITUSI SARI KURMA <p><em>This research aims to determine the process of making banana cake with the substitution of sugar with date juice and to determine the level of people's preference for banana cake with the substitution of date juice. The method used is the experimental method. Researchers used this method to add date juice and reduce granulated sugar. The results of the research show that the process or method for making banana cakes with date juice substitution is the same as making banana cakes in general, the only difference is that there is a date juice substitution in each dough. The test results of respondents' preferences for banana cake with date juice substitution were based on four criteria, namely aroma, color, taste and texture. In terms of aroma and taste, products with 25% substitution are preferred, while in terms of color and texture, products with 70% substitution are preferred. Improving the quality and increasing nutritional value of banana cake, such as increasing vitamins, minerals and fiber, could have positive implications for consumers looking for healthy cakes.</em></p> Chantika Aleida Putri, Priyanto Copyright (c) Thu, 16 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PENGARUH KUALITAS PRODUK DAN SUASANA TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN MELALUI CITRA MEREK PADA KOPI NAKO SUMMARECON BEKASI <p><em>The objective of this study is to examine the impact of product quality and atmosphere on consumers' purchasing decisions through brand image. Data collection by distributing questionnaires to 220 respondents at Kopi Nako Summarecon Bekasi. Incidental sampling is used as a sampling method and is processed using the SmartPLS 2.3 application. The results of this study indicate that product quality has a significant effect on brand image, product quality has a significant effect on purchasing decisions, atmosphere has a significant effect on brand image, atmosphere has no significant effect on purchasing decisions, brand image has a significant effect on purchasing decisions and for indirect influence. There is an indirect effect of product quality on brand decisions mediated by brand image, there is an indirect effect of atmosphere on purchasing decisions mediated by brand image.</em></p> elvina octaviana, Bonifasius MH Nainggolan Copyright (c) 2023 EDUTURISMA Thu, 16 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PENGARUH KUALITAS PELAYANAN, KUALITAS PRODUK, DAN LOKASI TERHADAP KEPUTUSAN PEMBELIAN PADA PLATINUM RESTORAN PLAZA FESTIVAL <p><em>This study ainsto analyze the effect of service quality, product quality, and location on purchasing decisions at Platinum Restaurant Plaza Festival. This research was conducted on consumers of Platinum Restaurant Plaza Festival during March - April 2023. This research used a quantitative method, primary data obtained from questionnaires using the accidental sampling method of 100 respondents consisting of consumers who had visited. The data is then measured through validity and reliability tests. Meanwhile, for the method of data analysis using multiple linear analysis using IBM SPSS 24, followed by an analysis of the correlation coefficient and determination. From this study, the results show that service quality, product quality, and location have a significant effect on purchasing decisions.</em></p> Dewi Apriyanty, Salman Paludi Copyright (c) 2023 EDUTURISMA Thu, 16 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Pengaruh Kualitas Produk, Kualitas Pelayanan dan Promosi Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan di Yoshinoya Grand Kota Bintang Bekasi <p>The purpose of this study is yo find the quality products, service quality and promotion of customer satisfication in the Yoshinoya Grand Kota Bintang Bekasi together in partial. This study used the classifications sample methodology, specifically in the non-probability at random of the sample with a pick who is calling or visiting Yoshinoya Grand Kota Bintang Bekasi to 100 people. Methods used to collect the data involves sharing a questionnaire with respondents, while prosess data collection conducted through the use of several software using SPSS linear regression 24 version. The result of this research competitive with the product quality, service quality and promotion of influential simultaneously on customer satisfaction in Yoshinoya Grand Kota Bintang Bekasi.</p> ANITA CHAERUNNISA, Salman Paludi Copyright (c) 2023 EDUTURISMA Thu, 16 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Analisis Pengalaman Wisatawan Saat Mengunjungi Destinasi Wisata MICE Halal “Muslim Life Festival 2022” <p><em>Tourism activities will be worth the reward when visitors continue to carry out the obligations of things that have been determined in certain religious rules. In the context of Muslims, they will have certain needs when traveling for tourism. The research objective is to analyze a national event organized by PT.Lima Event entitled "Muslim Life Festival 2022". The research analyzes a phenomenon that occurs in society regarding interest in a lifestyle, sharia-based business management and the behavior of Muslim tourists' interest in visiting Halal MICE destinations in Indonesia. This research aims to (1) find out how an event can be held (2) find out the process of implementing Islamic values at the event and (3) find out the experiences and Islamic values that will be accepted by tourists. The research uses a qualitative descriptive analysis approach with a case study research method. The results of the study show (1) The Muslim Life Festival 2022 event management system can apply various rules regarding qualifications in properly planning MICE events. (2) Event organizers are able to properly implement Islamic values. (3) Tourist experiences can be described based on statements submitted by visitor informants. Further research can be carried out on other events with more comprehensive tourist experience indicators.</em></p> Gantina Suciati, Titing Kartika, Adrian Agoes Copyright (c) 2023 EDUTURISMA Fri, 15 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 HUBUNGAN LOBBY AMBASSADOR DAN KUALITAS PELAYANAN TAMU VIP DI DEPARTEMEN FRONT OFFICE PADA HOTEL GRAND HYATT JAKARTA <p>This study aims to determine the relationship between the Ambassador Lobby and VIP <br>guest service quality in the front office department at the Grand Hyatt Jakarta hotel in terms <br>of the 5 dimensions of service quality, namely: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, empathy. <br>(emphaty), and assurance (assurance). This type of research is descriptive with the method of <br>job analysis. For this job analysis method using a data collection process that analyzes a job <br>or activity directly. This data collection technique is carried out by coming directly, and <br>observing and analyzing it yourself. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can <br>be seen that the Ambassador Lobby is related to the quality of service for VIP guests at the <br>Grand Hyatt Jakarta hotel. The author uses descriptive research methods and quantitative <br>approaches and is processed using the Validity Test, Reliability Test, and Spearman's Rank <br>Correlation Test, whereby using this research method it will be known that there is a significant <br>relationship between variables (X) and variable (Y) to be studied so that it makes conclusions <br>that will clarify the description of the object under study. The conclusion of this study is that <br>the Ambassador Hotel Grand Hyatt Jakarta Lobby has many advantages, behind these <br>advantages there are also disadvantages. However, these deficiencies can be minimized by <br>improving services for VIP guests at the Grand Hyatt Jakarta hotel</p> Azzahra Putri Larasati, Roy Daniel Samboh Copyright (c) 2023 EDUTURISMA Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 PENGGUNAAN MEDIA SOSIAL SEBAGAI MEDIA PROMOSI DI SULTAN PIZZERIA THE SULTAN HOTEL & RESIDEN HOTEL JAKARTA <p><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Yuliana Dwi Marwa</strong><strong>1</strong><strong>, Sulih Wahyudiono, S.E., M.M.</strong><strong>2 </strong><sup>1</sup>Mahasiswa program studi, Akademi Pariwisata Indonesia Jakarta <sup>2</sup>Dosen program studi, Akademi Pariwisata Indonesia Jakarta <a href=""><sup>1</sup></a>, <a href=""><sup>2</sup></a></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>The development of social media is currently very fast, it cannot be denied that social media is used for media promotion. The information people are looking for can be easily searched on social media without the need to go anywhere. One of the social media used by The Sultan Hotel &amp; Residence Jakarta as promotional media for Sultan Pizzeria is Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. By utilizing the available features, marketing communication can maximize the promotion of Sultan Pizzeria. This study aims to determine how the use of social media as a promotional media and which social media is effectively used for promotional media. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The data used in this research are observation, literature study, and interviews. The result of this research is that marketing communication has not utilized the ads feature in all social media and based on the discussion, the effective social media used for the promotion media of Sultan Pizzeria are Instagram and Facebook.</em></p> Yuliana Dwi Marwa, Sulih Wahyudiono Copyright (c) 2023 EDUTURISMA Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Solusi Design architecture Pemanfaatan Media Sosial dan Sistem Terintegrasi Untuk Strategi Peningkatan Kualitas Objek Wisata <p><em>Sistem Informasi memiliki peran penting dalam industri pariwisata dengan berbagai fungsi yang mendukung pengelolaan dan pemasaran destinasi wisata. Promosi dan penyampaian informasi penting dari objek wisata dengan waktu yang cepat sangatlah penting untuk menjangkau calon wistawan dengan cepat. Wisatawan di era digital ini selalu menggunakan ponsel mereka untuk mencari informasi terkait objek wisata. Salah satu platform yang digunakan adalah media sosial. Wisatawan sering juga mengunggah foto, video, atau berbagi pengalaman mereka di platform media sosial. Dengan demikian promosi , penyampaian informasi penting, serta memahami kebutuhan wisatawan dengan menggunakan media sosial merupakan hal yang bijak untuk dilakukan. </em></p> <p><em>Platform media sosial menyediakan layanan Open API yang memampukan pelanggan nya untuk terhubung secara sistem. Layanan ini bisa digunakan baik untuk mengunggah informasi ke media sosial maupun mengambil data dari media sosial. Sistem informasi dengan bantuin teknologi Open API memampukan Perusahaan atau organisasi wisata untuk melakukannya dengan cepat. Perusahaan wisata bisa menghubungkan sistem informasi yang mereka miliki dengan platform media sosial. Menghubungkan sistem informasi dengan media sosial melalui API bisa menjadi alat penting untuk mengambil Keputusan dengan cepat sehingga bisa mendukung dan strategi dalam pengembangan industri pariwisata. Namun perlu diperhatikan bahwa sistem informasi yang dibangun harus memiliki design architecture yang tepat, sehingga mendapatkan hasil yang efektif dan efisien.</em></p> Riama Santy Sitorus, B. Junedi Hutagaol Copyright (c) 2023 EDUTURISMA Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Increasing The Influence Of Product Quality And Price Perception On Purchase Decisions: The Mediating Role of Social Media Interaction (Case Study at Bubble Teahouse Chain Outlet) <p><em>This study investigates the role of social media interaction in mediating the relationship between product quality and price perception on purchase decisions at &nbsp;Bubble Teahouse Chain outlet.&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;The questionnaire was distributed to customers using an accidental sampling technique with a final sample size of 120 respondents. &nbsp;This research hypothesis test used Smart PLS 3.0. &nbsp;The results revealed that product quality had significantly influenced social media interaction, and price perception had significantly influenced purchase decisions. However, product quality had no significant influence on purchase decisions,&nbsp; price perception had no significant influence on social media interaction, and social media interaction had no significant influence on purchase decisions. With the addition of the social media interaction variable as an intervening variable between product quality and purchase decision, it gave different results and showed that product quality had a significant influence on purchase decision. These key findings revealed that social media interaction can increase the influence of product quality and price perception on purchase decisions. &nbsp;The managerial implication of this result was that social media interaction became an effective tool to enhance the marketing strategy, increase purchase decisions, and then sales performance. </em></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Cahya Eka Prasetyo , Parlagutan Silitonga, Etty Nurwati Copyright (c) 2023 EDUTURISMA Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Pemanfaatan Inovasi Digital di bidang Pariwisata <p><em>In the era of digital innovations, the tourism industry is boldly evolving and replacing the traditional methods of traveling with an exciting and limitless virtual experience. This evolution occurs because the pace of technological change is so fast that it encourages all levels of the business and even the tourism industry to create creative ways to pursue business targets and expand expansion opportunities in this industry. The main objective of this research is to provide a comprehensive overview of advanced digital innovations from various studies related to the tourism sector.</em></p> <p><em>A systematic review of 551 articles published during 2020 - 2024 shows the collaboration of mobile devices with virtual reality/augmented reality technology is very profitable for users to explore any tourist attraction. This study of tourism technology development affects all layers of the tourism sector in terms of destination, infrastructure, promotion, service quality, and tourism safety. In addition to discussing the convenience provided by these various digital innovations, the findings of drawbacks and limits that arise in the implementation process will also discussed in this article.</em></p> <p><em>In the future, the development of digital tourism innovation requires involvement between industry stakeholders, namely policy makers, designers of technological innovations, and even end users to utilize the potential of today's technology so that new opportunities to create value in cultural tourism objects continue to grow and not being abandoned.</em></p> Nindhia Hutagaol Copyright (c) 2023 EDUTURISMA Thu, 30 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0000