Pengaruh Atraksi Wisata, Citra Destinasi dan Pengalaman Wisatawan Terhadap Minat Wisatawan Generasi Z Berkunjung Kembali ke Kota Tua Jakarta

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Pradadiva Agustia Kadafi
Revalino T. Hasudungan
Lenny Yusrini


Kota Tua Jakarta, a renowned tourist destination, boasts a wealth of historical relics, from colonial buildings to cultural sites and museums. It's crucial to understand what drives the interest of Generation Z tourists in revisiting such iconic landmarks. In terms of uncovering these factors, various comprehensive research studies were carried out engaging 107 Generation Z tourists who had previously explored Kota Tua Jakarta. The findings were compelling, revealing that tourist attractions, destination image, and the overall tourist experience significantly influence the desire of Generation Z visitors to return. This highlights the need for tailored experiences that resonate with the preferences and lifestyles of this demographic.

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