Pemanfaatan Tepung Daun Kelor Dalam Pembuatan Egg Rolls Untuk Mencegah Stunting: Studi Kasus Pada Ibu Hamil Trimester Tiga

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Kinantan Larasati
Nova Eviana


As a nutritional national problem in Indonesia, stunting is chronic malnutrition due to a lack of nutritional food intake during toddlers periods. Nutrition intake under the Nutrition Adequacy Rate (RDA) for pregnant women is risky for the future growth of the fetus and children. Moringa leaves flour has a substantial content of vitamins and minerals needed to lower the risk of stunting. This study aims to analyze the process and product of egg rolls pastry with the Moringa leaves flour, using some criteria of aroma, taste, level of crispness, and color. About 100 respondents participated in the organoleptic test to determine the best recipe for egg rolls pastry with Moringa leaves flour added. The result of the study shows that the egg rolls with the 10% Moringa leaves flour addition has produced the best egg rolls.

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