Inovasi Produk Minuman Boba Herbal

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Turfah Ahsani Amala
Priyanto .


Boba drink is one of the contemporary drinks that has recently emerged in the midst of Indonesian society. This drink contains tapioca balls mixed with milk, as well as additional syrup or liquid brown sugar. In this study, an innovation will be carried out with the addition of herbal plants in the form of ginger and moringa leaf, which aims to increase health care that is packaged attractively and contemporary. This study used a hedonic test, to determine the level of respondents' liking for aroma, color, taste, and texture. The data collection technique used was in the form of a questionnaire given to 89 panelists. From the data on the distribution of the questionnaire, 44,94% (40 panelists) stated that they liked the aroma, then 78,65% (70 Panelists) stated that they liked the color, then 48,31% (43 panelists) stated that they really liked the taste, and 50,56% (45 panelists) stated that they really liked the texture. So it can be concluded that this "Innovation in Herbal Boba Drinks" has the potential to be liked by the panelists.

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