Uji Kesukaan Kue Klepon Dengan Penambahan Buah Sukun

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muhamad arsyad




This research is motivated by new innovations in klepon cake products with the addition of breadfruit. The purpose of this study was to find out whether breadfruit can be used in making klepon cakes, to find out whether there are differences in terms of texture, taste, and color of klepon cakes using breadfruit compared to klepon cakes that do not use breadfruit, to determine the level of preference and attractiveness of respondents in terms of texture, taste, and color of the breadfruit klepon cake. The research method and data collection techniques used in this paper are experimental. Data collection techniques, namely literature study, questionnaires. This research was carried out on June 27, 2023. This author conducted a hedonic test on breadfruit klepon cakes. The conclusion from writing the quality and level of preference (hedonic) of breadfruit klepon cakes that respondents liked the most was sample 15 (75%) while sample 09 (50%) and sample 50 (100%) were quite liked by respondents.


Keywords: klepon cake; breadfruit: innovation

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